
Statistics indicate homeschooling is a trend that is here to stay, and in fact, the number of homeschooling families is increasing every year. As a service to the homeschool community in Osceola and surrounding areas, we’ve added this tab to share news and services pertaining to homeschooling.

The latest information on homeschooling in Iowa can be found at the Homeschool Iowa website. They have the laws and regulations, forms used for reporting to the school district, helpful tips on getting started and much more. If you are interested in trying to revive a local group, Homeschool Iowa will help you get started. These groups are wonderful tools to help families support one another in their daily efforts.

The following may be some sites of interest, as well:

  •, your virtual homeschool.
  • Home School Legal Defense Association – a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms.

We will be continually adding items of interest to this site, including sites that our patrons have recommended, so bookmark this page and check back regularly